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Warwickshire LMC

Welcome Warwickshire Local Medical Committee.

Warwickshire LMC consists of GPs represented by constituency across the county of Warwickshire.

Every region of the UK has a Local Medical Committee; a local representative body where GPs are proposed by their colleagues and elections are held for these positions.

Like ICBs, LMCs are recognised by law and have statutory duties, but unlike ICBs, LMCs are independent and not themselves statutory entities. They can advocate for and support their GPs with such power because of their special status as independent representative groups that are recognised by law. The Health and Social Care Act strengthens the obligation that NHS Bodies interact with the LMC on matters pertaining to general practice.

Like ICBs, LMCs are recognised by law and have statutory duties, but unlike ICBs, LMCs are independent and not themselves statutory entities. They can advocate for and support their GPs with such power because of their special status as independent representative groups that are recognised by law. The Health and Social Care Act strengthens the obligation that NHS Bodies interact with the LMC on matters pertaining to general practice.

LMCs are free to speak up on behalf of GPs, practices, and their patients when others cannot because they are answerable to the GPs they represent. The LMC will defend, represent and advise where justified and necessary in the interests of the profession and our patients.

It’s critical to realise that the LMC is not a trade union and cannot act in that capacity; the British Medical Association (BMA) fulfils this function.

Warwickshire LMC sees itself as the voice of general practice at a neighbourhood and county level. We represent the interests of, and provide assistance for, specific GPs and practices, as well as the broader professional voice of general practice.

The LMC provides support for members’ health, welfare and careers and we understand the challenges of working in General Practice. This support is provided by the Officers who are experienced in this area and committed to supporting the wellbeing of LMC constituents. There is a variety of support available from other organisations – please go to our useful links page to find details of these. Should you wish to contact the Officers or require further information please contact the LMC at

Member’s term of office is 3 years. Elections to the Committee take place every three years as stipulated in the Warwickshire LMC Constitution. There are 19 seats in total with seats allocated per geographical district:

Leamington & Warwick  – 4 Seats

North Warwickshire  – 2 Seats

Nuneaton & Bedworth – 4 Seats

Rugby – 3 Seats

Stratford upon Avon – 4 Seats

2 seats are specifically reserved for non-principal GPs.

The LMC meets monthly, except in August.

The Officers of the LMC are

Dr Lesli Davies

Medical Secretary

Dr Andrew Warner


Dr Amar Kachhia

Assistant Medical Secretary

Dr Tim Preece

Assistant Medical Secretary

Maggie Edwards

Executive Officer

Pauline Archer


Dr Lesli Davies-image

Medical Secretary

Dr Lesli Davies

Locum GP, Rugby
Dr Andrew Warner-image


Dr Andrew Warner

Croft Medical Centre, Leamington Spa
Dr Amar Kachhia-image

Assistant Medical Secretary

Dr Amar Kachhia

Riversley Road Surgery, Nuneaton
Dr Tim Preece-image

Assistant Medical Secretary

Dr Tim Preece

Hastings House Medical Centre, Wellesbourne
Maggie Edwards-image

Executive Officer

Maggie Edwards

Kathryn Lowis-image


Kathryn Lowis

The LMC works closely with other local LMCs, the West Midlands LMC Liaison Group and the General Practitioners & committee at the British Medical Association. LMC Officers represent the LMC at the various meetings and committees. This includes the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board Primary Care Collaborative as well as regular operational and strategic meetings with Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System. Officers support GPs facing investigations by NHSE relating to their performance. LMC Officers are involved in discussions with local NHS Trusts and attend national medico-political conferences (National LMC Conference and LMC Secretaries Conference). Regular meetings are held between the LMC Officers and local Members of Parliament.
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